Connecting regions,
communities and economies
through clean and smart transportation

The Scandria®Alliance provides an arena for cities and regions
to collaborate on climate-smart multimodal transport connectivity
at the interface to sustainable regional development
between Scandinavia and the Adriatic Sea.

Latest news

Scandria®Alliance goes across the Alps

In November and December, representatives of the Scandria®Alliance Secretariat met with Bavarian and Italian colleagues to discuss potential for enhanced collaboration.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern strengthens Scandria®Alliance

The Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a new full member of the Scandria®Alliance.

Detlef Tabbert is new chairperson of the Scandria Alliance

As new Minister of Infrastructure and Federal State Planning of Brandenburg (Germany), Detlef Tabbert has taken over the chairmanship of the Scandria Alliance’s General...


Scandria®Alliance Talks

Collaborative logistics: a methodological approach to decarbonize and innovate urban freight
11 April 2025, 10:00-11:30 CET

European regions are applying the collaborative logistics approach more and more widely due to the lack of existing resources and knowledge. Join this talk to learn how urban...


Our Positions

A competitive and resilient Europe requires a stronger EU transport budget

45 European transport organisations call on member states and the European Commission to maintain and strengthen a robust dedicated European transport funding instrument.

Urban nodes: Empowering cities and regions to build the TEN-T

Together with leading networks of local and regional authorities,  the Scandria Alliance calls for greater support for urban nodes to ensure success of the TEN-T.

Adapting to a changing geopolitical landscape

Joint conference resolution on the resilience of the transport system adopted by the Scandria Alliance and the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission Transport Working Group on 6 November 2023

Clean fuel solutions. Decarbonising freight transport along the Scandria®Corridor

The brochure shall inspire by highlighting already applied clean fuel solutions for port handling, city logistics and long-distance heavy duty transport.

Scandria®Alliance position paper on revised TEN-T guidelines

In their joint position paper, the Scandria®Alliance members welcome the Commission’s proposal and suggest amendments that could further improve the effectiveness and accuracy of the regulation.

Vision for rail transport in the Northern Scandria®Corridor

On the occasion of the European Year of Rail 2021, the founding members of the Scandria®Alliance underline the importance of cross-border rail transport to their cities and regions and formulate joint objectives.

Key messages on clean fuel deployment

Our factsheet spells out key messages on what needs to be one to accelerate the transition towards climate-neutral mobility. It is based on an analysis of current developments in markets, infrastructure and incentives for clean fuel vehicles in the northern Scandria®Corridor.

Scandria®Alliance position paper in the TEN-T revision process in 2021

The members of the Scandria®Alliance have developed a joint position during the consultation process of the revised TEN-T guidelines in early 2021. Their position paper focuses on urban nodes, multimodal transport chains, a multi-fuel approach, cross-border railway connections and governance issues.



The members of the Scandria®Alliance represent cities and regions along the Scandria®Corridor with more than 20 million inhabitants from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Italy.

full members

associated members