Open letter: 45 organisations call for stronger EU transport budget

The Scandria Alliance supports an open letter of 45 transport organisations urging on member states and the European Commission to maintain and strengthen a robust dedicated European transport funding instrument.

With a view to the upcoming discussions on the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF), the 45 signatories underline that the European coordination of infrastructure across Europe is more than ever crucial. It plays a key role for safeguarding the smooth functioning of the EU internal market, promoting Europe’s competitiveness and cohesion, and bolstering its resilience and military preparedness.

With its support to the collective open letter, the Scandria Alliance stresses the crucial importance of a dedicated European transport instrument for realising and completing a well-functioning European transport network, which in turn is essential to drive economic growth, job creation and social and regional cohesion.

The Alliance of 45 transport organisations has been initiated and co-ordinated by the the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO). Other sigantories include other corridor alliances, such as the Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC, STRING Megaregion, other city and regional networks, such as POLIS and CPMR as well as a number of renowned transport sector organisations, including ALICE, UIRR or UITP.

Download the open letter and the entire list of signatories here.