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16 December 2024, 10:00-11:30 CET

Solutions for sustainable transalpine transport: Tackling Brenner bottlenecks

In this Scandria Alliance Talk, we explored solutions for a future-proof and sustainable freight transport along the Brenner Corridor.

About this webinar

The Brenner Corridor is of outstanding importance for transalpine freight transport along the ScanMed corridor. Due to growing transport volumes and limited capacities on both road and rail, it also constitutes a major bottleneck along this corridor. In the medium term, the opening of the Brenner Base Tunnel and its access routes will create additional rail capacity and favourable conditions for a substantial increase of the modal shift towards rail. In the short term, upcoming renovation works on the motorway create a growing pressure and challenges for industry and the logistics sector.

In this Scandria Alliance Talk, participants learned more about the current situation for transalpine freight transport along the Brenner Corridor. They also discussed possible solutions for a future-proof and sustainable freight transport over the Brenner, such as cross-border capacity management systems or innovative measures to enhance the modal shift.


  • Current situation in transalpine freight transport across the Brenner
    Antonello Fontanili, Director, Uniontrasporti Scarl
  • Capacity management as instrument for aligning Alpine transit policies: proposals for the Brenner corridor and beyond
    Helen Lückge, Head of the iMONITRAF! Coordination Point, Climonomics
  • A private perspective on bottlenecks capacity and potential innovative solutions
    Andrea Condotta, Director Public Affairs, Innovation & Sustainability, Gruber Logistics


The presentations are available for download here.


Antonello Fontanili
Antonello Fontanili
Director, Uniontrasporti Scarl
Helen Lückge
Helen Lückge
Head of the iMONITRAF! Coordination Point, Climonomics
Andrea Condotta
Andrea Condotta
Director Public Affairs, Innovation & Sustainability, Gruber Logistics


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Antonello Fontanili
Antonello Fontanili
Helen Lückge
Antonello Fontanili
Andrea Condotta
Antonello Fontanili

Registrations are closed for this event

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