Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg
Henning-von-Tresckow-Straße 2-8
14467 Potsdam
Authorized representatives
Head of department: Manuela Hahn
Permanent deputy of the head of department: N.N.
Responsible with regards to content
Tommi Vollmann
Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg
Unit GL 2 – European Spatial Development
Henning-von-Tresckow-Str. 2-8
14467 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 866-8724
E-mail: :
Web design, programming and administration
Christian Vahldiek
Liability for content
We make every effort to keep the information on our website current, but accept no liability whatsoever for the content provided. Pursuant to §7 par. 1 of TMG (German Tele-Media Act), the law limits our responsibility as a service provider to our own content on these webpages.
According to §§8 to 10 of TMG, we are not obligated to monitor third party information provided or stored on our website. However, we shall promptly remove any content upon becoming aware that it violates the law. Our liability in such an instance shall commence at the time we become aware of the respective violation.
Liability for links
Our site contains links to third-party websites. We have no influence whatsoever on the information on these websites and accept no guaranty for its correctness. The content of such third-party sites is the responsibility of the respective owners/ providers.
At the time third-party websites were linked to ours, we found no grounds whatsoever of any likely contravention of the law. We shall promptly delete a link upon becoming aware that it violates the law.
The content and works provided on these webpages are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Duplication, processing, distribution, or any form of commercialization of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator.
The Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg allows the free use and duplication of its web contents and download offers regarding the Scandria®Alliance for non-commercial purposes, provided that in any copy of the contents, reference is made to all copyright and other proprietary rights of the original contents.
The content of the Scandria®Alliance website must neither be used by any party nor by any candidate for the purpose of election campaigns. It also not allowed distributing the content of the Scandria®Alliance website to third parties for the purpose of election campaigns.
Images in general may not be published or distributed without the prior explicit, written approval of the respective copyright holders. Contact person (responsible) in terms of images/ photos is the above-named publisher.
Copyrights for the pictures shown on this website:
Start page: Øresundsbron, Wasaline, picture alliance, shutterstock
About page: Tina Merkau, Uudenmaan liitto, Nils Hasenau, Jens Christian, Suvi Elo, Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg, Anna Sand, Morten Brakestad, IU, Anni Levonen, Port of Hamburg Marketing, Logistik-Initiative Hamburg / Jan Brandes, Philip Michalk
Activities page: Tina Merkau, European Commission / European Year of Rail 2021, shutterstock, European Commission; BSR Access project; Antoine Schibler on Unsplash
News page: Rostock Port / Nordlicht; Ines Hasenau; Antoine Schibler on Unsplash; Freepik / aleksandarlittlewolf; Brandenburgian Ministry of Finance and European Affairs; Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment / Marc Vorwerk; Region Örebro County, istock – Petmal; GL, Karsten Bergmann; Pixabay; IU Potsdam; Simon Tartarotti on Unsplash; Tina Merkau; European Commission / European Year of Rail 2021;
Projects page: Port of Hamburg marketing / Dietmar Hasenpush (Blue Suplly chains); Logistics Initiative Hamburg (DECARBOMILE); picture by freepik on FREEPIK (DISCO); Kristian Singh-Nergård © Østlandssamarbeidet / Osloregionen (Green Energy Stations); Green Jutland Project website (Green Jutland Corridor); Mediaserver Hamburg / Konstantin Beck (Green Supply Chains); picture by Fons Heijnsborek on Unsplash (GRETA), ©GRIT project (GRIT); picture by LoggaWiggler on Pixabay (H2CE); Adobe Stock | #428342227 (HyTruck); picture by 652234 on pixabay (InnoWaTr); MoLo Hubs Project / Manfred Helmer, (MoLo Hubs); Phuoc Anh Dang on Unsplash (MOVE21); Christoffer Björklund/Wasaline (New North), Nicholas Doherty on Unsplash (REDII Ports); SELECT Project / Lindholmen Science Park (SELECT); ArthurHideen on FREEPIK (SUMPs for BSR); Hironobu Fukuman on Unsplash (UrbFRail)
Scandria Alliance Talks page: Goh Rhy Yan on Unsplash (Drones on the Move, 26 April 2024); Deutsche Post DHL/Jens Schlüter (Urban logistics, 21 June 2024); Frederick Sams on Wikimedia Commons (Heavy vehicles on their way to the hydrogen highway?, 30 August 2024), Øresundsbron (Fixed links – a strong ScanMed Corridor in the North, 25 October 2024); Liberaler Humanist on Wikimedia Commons (Solutions for sustainable transalpine transport: Tackling Brenner bottlenecks, 16 December 2024); Picture by Drazen Zigic on Freepik (Collaborative logistics: a methodological approach to decarbonize and innovate urban freight, 11 April 2025)
Social media
This imprint also applies to the social media profiles of the Scandria®Alliance on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Code of conduct
Users are welcome to follow the Scandria®Alliance on these social media platforms and to interact with us via the above-mentioned profiles. To ensure that all users feel comfortable on our social media channels, the following code of conduct applies to posts and comments on our channels:
• Please treat other users the way you would like to be treated. Make sure your tone remains fair and polite. Please refrain from personal attacks towards other users.
• Any form of discrimination or defamation of people or groups based on their origin, religious affiliation, nationality, physical condition, sexual identity, gender, income or age will not be tolerated. Corresponding posts may be deleted and/or reported to the respective social media platform.
• The Scandria®Alliance’s social media channels provide information on the different activities of our network. Accordingly, any post made by users should be relevant to the respective topic. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links are prohibited. Corresponding content may be removed by us.
• Comments that are obviously machine-generated (especially bots) or part of a campaign (shitstorms) may also be removed or their senders blocked.
Posts and comments that clearly violate this code of conduct will be blocked and deleted by the Secretariat, with a reference to this code of conduct.