
Scandria Alliance newsletter October 2023

How resilient is our transport system?

The Corona pandemic came first, followed by the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. How do these multiple crises impact the mobility and transport sector? Will they slow down necessary transition processes to mitigate and adapt to climate change? The Scandria®Alliance and the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission Transport Working Group will discuss these questions during their joint conference “Adapting to a changing geopolitical landscape: the future of transport in the Baltic Sea Region and wider Europe” in Helsinki, Finland on 6 and 7 November 2023.

Member cities and regions of both organisation will discuss with Pat Cox, European Coordinator of the Scandinavian Mediteranean European Corridor, representatives from national governments and the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Elina Rantanen, Deputy Mayor of the city of Turku, will be one of the panellists at this conference. Scandria®Alliance talked to her beforehand. Read the interview and watch her video message in this newsletter!

“The war in Ukraine changes our focus, not our priorities”

Scandria®Alliance interviewed Elina Rantanen, Deputy Mayor of the city of Turku and member of the Scandria®Alliance General Assembly. We wanted to know how far the new geopolitical situation influences the city’s transport policy priorities.

Clean fuels in freight transport: Where are we? Where are we heading?

Representatives of various projects along the Scandria®Corridor explored decarbonisation of freight transport during our clean fuels seminar in Hamburg. Projects as well as conclusions drawn will be published in the brochure "Clean fuel solutions. Decarbonising freight transport along the Scandria®Corridor" to be released in early November.

New study on possibilities to upgrade Oslo-Gothenburg railway line

Norwegian and Swedish train at Gothenburg central station
The path forward to increase the capacity and accessibility of the cross-border railway line between Oslo and Gothenburg has been outlined in a new joint Swedish-Norwegian feasibility study.

Night trains – for better connections between cities and regions

Scandria®Alliance members Berlin and Viken county were partners of the workshop “Night trains – for better connections between cities and regions“ during this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities, the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy.


3 November 2023: Mid-term conference of Green Energy Stations project, Oslo
6-7 November 2023: Scandria Alliance General Assembly and Joint Conference with CPMR-BSC, Helsinki
14 November 2023: 19th ScanMed Corridor Forum Meeting, Brussels
22 November 2023: German-Swedish Port Event "Green transport corridors – linking Europe and Scandinavia", Gothenburg
29-30 November 2023: Annual POLIS Conference 2023, Leuven
1 December 2023: Save-the-date: Scandria Alliance webinar on urban nodes and SUMPs, online
2–5 April 2024: Connecting Europe Days, Brussels
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